Welcome to Educational Resources for Success, an advocacy service for parents of special needs children. We specialize in making changes happen in the lives of youngsters struggling with developmental challenges. Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, CAP-D, Autism, Aspergers, Dyscalcula, Reactive Attachment Disorder, Verbal Apraxia or ADD are all areas where specialized programming is needed.
Schools are often overwhelmed and understaffed resulting in less than satisfactory response to student needs. We can help by designing a program and advocating for your child. Make a difference in your son or daughter's life. Understand the law and how to get the best school based program.
Approved NJ State Inservice Provider #6447
Educational Diagnostic Evaluations-both private and as second opinions
Learning Disability Teacher / Consultant and Educational Specialists available for independent consultations.
Under NJ Administrative Code, may provide second opinions to school districts
Provider of ADHD child and adult coaching skills.
Orton Gillingham Wilson trained tutors and certified teachers available for tutoring

Educational Resources for Success LLC is a private advocacy as well as testing site. We are an independent consulting firm, specializing in the diagnosis, remediation of learning problems in both children and adults. We provide advice to parents, often attending IEP meetings and eligibility conferences, ensuring the best services are made available to students. Our goal is to provide parents, adults and children with the best advice, advocacy and resources to make a lifetime difference. MORE Click Here